Warts And Moles Removal

Warts And Moles Removal
Warts may be encountered at any any age, though commonly seen in children and young adults and may be viral or non viral in origin.Though may be self limiting , they may have to be examined and removed by dermatologist.They have the chances of recurrence and may be transferred from one body part to the other and can be transferred to family members.
Red Spots and Marks: Strawberry Birthmarks, Red birthmarks, Stork bites, Angioma Cavernosum, Capillary Hemangioma, Hemangioma Simplex, Strawberry Mark: Colored vascular skin markings which develop at or shortly after birth. They are usually painless and harmless with unknown cause most commonly on the face, scalp, back, and chest. 95% of these disappear by the time a child is 9 years of age.
Warts are an infection of the skin that become those unsightly bumps on various parts of your body or the soles of your feet, and are caused by specific wart viruses. They come and go, sometimes with or without treatment, and sometimes won’t go away no matter what treatment is given. Some individuals are more susceptible than others to having warts. As any virus, warts are contagious, but not in the normal sense of being contagious as in catching someone else’s cold. The other person needs to be susceptible to the virus. Only genital warts and those around the anus are contagious in the normal sense, and care must be taken not to spread them to others.