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Acne Scars Laser Treatment

Acne Scars Laser Treatment 

Acne or Pimples may bother individuals during their puberty or when hormonal fluctuations are there. Acne may result in deep Scars, if not treated on time and these scars are all the more troublesome as they are quite resistant to local cream or ointment application. Lasers which have deep penetration with controlled fluency may help the patients with Scars left due to Acne or Scars because of pimples. Scars due to Acne and the ACNE SCAR REMOVAL TREATMENT  is calculated on the basis of depth of scar and the type of scar or whether a surgical intervention is done. A numbing cream may be applied for better penetration and effective fluency delivery and THE LASER ACNE SCAR


REMOVAL May be calculated on these parameters. Scars may need Radio frequency along with fractional lasers and the ACNE LASER TREATMENT May thus vary on the technology used. Fractional laser has very minimal downtime and thus for scar revision is a preferred modality as it is totally blood less and the patient is thus very comfortable during the procedure. Post operative care is minimal and patient can perform normal day to day work activity with just antibiotic and sunscreen application. Patients may thus need less sittings and does not need any admission and thus ACNE SCAR REMOVAL TREATMENT COST works out to be cheaper for them as compared to other surgical treatments. Sittings may be needed once in a month and different areas can be done in a single sitting. Chicken pox scars , Surgical Scars or scar due to any other disease can also be managed with this procedure. The affordable device can help the patient get LASER ACNE SCAR REMOVAL COST within their reach. The RESULTS and REVIEWS ON LASER SCAR REMOVAL are very encouraging if fractional laser Technology is used.

Acne or pimples are regarded as one of the most frustrating chronic inflammatory problem with tendency to scar in young adults and may be persistent in older adults though the severity may vary. Acne scars are the product of end stage inflammatory lesions. Post acne scarring is one of the most common causes of facial scarring that can lead to great psychological distress.


Surgical treatment is a useful adjunct to hasten response in active acne. It leads to quicker resolution of lesions, reduces inflammation & hence has the potential to reduce scarring.


In predominantly comedonal acne, comedone extraction combined with or without superficial chemical peels offer an advantage to prevent inflammation & thus reduce the incidence of scars.


Salicylic acid peel/ Mandelic peel can be used alone or in combination with varying concentrations.


In the presence of predominantly inflammatory papules chemical peels, cryotherapy or lasers & light therapy & photodynamic therapy may be beneficial along with systemic antibiotics.These are particularly useful in resistant cases of if a quick response is desired.


Phenolization and intralesional corticosteroids may be used to enhance the outcome of treatment.


Superficial chemical peels cannot be utilized for deep acne scarring, that extends beyond the papillary dermis. The chemical reconstruction of skin scars (CROSS) technique using 65 to 100 percent TCA is a modified form of a chemical peel used for ice pick scars. It is a focal deep chemical peel & is effective in all skin types.


Combination of the above mentioned treatments can be used according to the severity,type, distribution of acne keeping age in mind.

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