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          depending upon the grade of hair loss. Most of the time photographic evidence of hair treatment gives back the confidence to the patient after 4-6 sessions of Prp treatment for HAIR FALL TREATMENT. Patient may opt for biannually maintenance session after 4-6 sessions of Prp is done. Regular follow up and reporting by the patient is needed to have a long term treatment results.

Hair loss of 50-100 strands in a day in most cases can be considered normal, but delay of growth of new hair can result in thinning or baldness of scalp hair. Research shows that almost 30% of people experience hair loss problem by the time they reach 30 years of age and 50% people show hair loss by the age of 50 years.

The diagnosis of hair loss can be done by PULL TEST and PLUCK TEST, followed by examination of hair under the microscope by dermatologist.Sometimes scalp biopsy may be needed to assess hair loss. Dermascoope can be used to routinely examine the scalp for proper diagnosis.



Regardless of age most of the males/females experience hair loss which is quite disturbing at times and make them consult a good dermatologist. Few HAIR FALL TREATMENT IN GWALIOR have the option of complete hair Care along with procedural options if needed. Patients most often follow Advertisement based products before they approach for HAIR FALL TREATMENT. The exact diagnosis and treatment plan has to be worked out before any treatment options are suggested. Most of the patients have a genetic predisposition for hair fall and this needs proper attention besides improvement in diet and other micro nutritional deficiency. Thyroid, Anaemia, any other chronic disease are to be ruled out before HAIR FALL TREATMENT is suggested. We are one of the leading center for HAIR FALL TREATMENT IN DELHI offering various scope of treatments in which major one are Mesotherapy and PRPMesotherapy and Prp can be beneficial and can be used along with other  treatment options. Mesotherapy and Prp helps in activating the dormant hair follicle and increase the diameter of existing hair follicles and also helps in reducing hair fall. Tablets, lotions and proper nutritional diet along with these therapies can help the patient combat hair fall. DHT hormone in males is considered one of the major hormone which is responsible for hair loss in males. Aim of the treatment is to have maximum hair in Telogen phase so that a Patient experience less hair fall. Hair fall is a progressive condition and thus needs maintenance and proper treatment follow up. Consultation with renowned dermatologist at our center for HAIR FALL TREATMENT IN DELHI May be taken as soon as Patient experiences hair loss /hair fall. The treatment for Mesotherapy is done once in 2-3 week and PRP treatment can be done once in 5-7 week

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